Paper Management Tool: Zotero

As Elsevier discontinued Mendeley Desktop software, people looking for a free bibliographic manager may want to try Zotero. I have used Zotero purely as an in-text citation tool for years, and until recently I started exploring its other functions. Here are some handy functions this tool can do:
  1. Automatically rename research papers in an APA Style: using the "link to file" function, Zotero can not only generate citations based on local pdf files but also rename the original files in a stand format (instead of copying them to a new location, which Mendeley used to do).
  2. "Zotero Connectors" allow you to save to Zotero directly from the web browser. I find it a little too convenient, I normally only read the paper when it's downloading, I might never read them again. I missed the only window to read some of them by saving through Zotero.
  3. Zotero itself is very simple, but it supports plugins, and so many cool add-on functions are available thanks to its active community.  Here are some plugins I am using:
Folder import: import subfolders and files in subfolders

Night theme: perfect for burning candles

Better notes: advanced notes-taking app

PDF preview: preview PDF attachments in the library view

Also, check out the official page for Zotero plugins here

I hope you enjoy using Zotero as I do and find this useful.
Neat dark mode

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